WordPress line break not Working: Quick Solutions to keep text formatting intact

1. Use empty classes in HTML Elements

You can make WordPress assume that your HTML elements contain certain attributes. This can be done by Adding attributes to the HTML elements with the use of empty classes. For example:

Avoid writing:


Instead, write:

<p class="">
<br class="">
<span class="">

From the Comments on this post

1) Install the TinyMCE plugin
2) Tick the “Keep paragraph tags” box in the Advanced Options of the settings
3) Add the following code (without ANY of the spaces between the characters) < p > & n b s p ; < / p > between paragraphs in the Text editor (I had to put spaces between the characters on that code because sharing the code as it was simply put a paragraph break into this post LOL!!!)

This inserts the paragraph breaks as and where required and does not delete them if you switch between the Visual and the Text editors

Quite pleased to have figured this out and Part 3 of this article gave me a decent starting point so thank you (Y)


