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Technical Questions and Terms

Technical Questions

Q-How do you work/interact with a database?

Q-Do you use any database frameworks?

A-Data Reader, Straight SQL, Entity Framework, ADO.Net

Q-What kind of testing do you do?

A-Unit Testing by building tests for different methods.  Test to make sure the methods can connect to the database or return the correct data.

Technical Terms:

Lambda Expressions –

  • Function (delegate) – Hides a lot of information/data.  Hard to see what is being processed during runtime.  I.E. Func<int,int, int> multiply – (x,y) => x*y;
  • Expression –  Can give information about a functions ability, or data about the code.  Expression generate an “Expression Tree”.  Must be compiled with “.Compile();” back into a delagate before invoking.  I.E. Expression<Func<int,int, int>> multiply – (x,y) => x*y;

Invoke – Call on, To Use.

Delegate – You can add parameters and use it whenever.


Enumerable – In memory Collection.  Already on the heap. We write “LINQ to Objects”.  Takes in a “delegate”. I.E. IEnumberable<TSource> where <TSource>( this IEnumberable<TSource> source, Func<TSource, bool> predicate. . ..

IQueryable<TSource> – An interface.  Takes in “Expressions”.  “Is LINQ to SQL”

Unit Testing

Regression testing – is a type of software testing which verifies that software which was previously developed and tested still performs the same way after it was changed or interfaced with other software. Changes may include software enhancements, patches, configuration changes, etc.

Tags: Interviews, Knowledge, work workplace.