Best Article Spinners and Page Optimizers for SEO

Article Spinner List

Free Tools

  1. Spin Rewriter (Tried Free Trial Version) – Everyone is recommending this as the best-
  2. Wordtune – Goes sentence by sentence and suggests rewrites.  Test: Decent suggestions-
  3. Spinner Chief 6(Download free version) – Doesn’t seem that great – Doesn’t work the second time you open it up.  Have to upgrade to get a better result
  4. The Best Spinner 4 (Watched youtube video – seems dumb) – Expensive and their homepage disables the back button.  Seems very scammy.  Stay way
  5. QuillBot – (Has Issues) Has premium option –

Paid Tools

  1. CleverSpinner (Tried – Has Force CopyScape but it doesn’t work) – Might be worth trying out for the 3-day free trial – Nice homepage with examples – Settings: 6 most synonyms, enable sentence spin, force cs hard, enable editor
  2. Spin Rewriter – – Horrible customer service.  They don’t answer emails, even for their paying customers.
  3. WordAi – So expensive I am not going to bother looking at the functionality.


Use freeze words

Page Optimizer list

Free Tools

Paid Tools