Table of Contents
If you are looking for your personal settings “PERSONAL.XLSB” file, you can find can try the locations section listed below. If the file is not present then you may not have a personal file set up.
In order to set up PERSONAL.XLSB file you will need to first create a macro and save it as personal macro workbook. The should automatically generate the file with the label PERSONAL.XLSB
For more information on generating this file please see the section below labeled: Generate PERSONAL.XLSB file
Locations for MS Office 2013 on 64 bit:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office15\XLSTART
Microsoft Office Version Chart:
Find the office year version and then use the office version chart to find the folder directory on your machine.
Microsoft Office 2016 = Office16
Microsoft Office 2013 = Office15
Microsoft Office 2010 = Office14
Microsoft Office 2007 = Office12
Microsoft Office 2003 = Office11
HOW to Generate the PERSONAL.XLSB file
1. Open Microsoft Excel
2. Click the develolper tab (if you dont have this then you need to enable the tab) at the top.
3. In the code section of the ribbon. Select from the code section the button “Record Macro”
4. In the pop up choose the drop down option to Store macro in: Personal Macro Workbook.
5. File has been generated. Done.
Recording Macro Ref:
Run a Macro on startup: